Angenommen, der folgende Text wäre an eine Person, die, oder wir nehmen halt Aspekte oder sowas, oder auf Basis von diesem Text antworten wir halt einer Person, die gerade monatelang in einer psychiatrischen Klinik stationär war und jetzt wieder nach Hause geht und ja, und diese Person ist irgendwie überfordert und verzweifelt, weil da sehr viel abgesprochen werden muss und sie auch wissen muss, wie es weitergeht, auch bezüglich von Kosten und weiterer Therapie und der Krankenkasse und ja, sie hat auch da den Eindruck, dass da ständig irgendwelche Kommunikationsfehler gemacht werden und sie weiß gar nicht, wie es weitergeht. Also ich habe den Eindruck, dass diese Person sich hilflos fühlt und mit sich machen lässt, was andere ihr sagen, sei es Mitarbeiter oder Sozialarbeiter in der Klinik oder Krankenkasse oder keine Ahnung, wer auch immer. Sie sagt halt, sie braucht eine Therapie, ohne Therapie kommt sie nicht weiter und ihr seien aber die Hände gebunden und sie braucht das, weil es sonst ja nicht vorangehen kann. Also die Person scheint sich sehr abhängig davon zu sehen, was ihr möglich gemacht wird durch das Außen und sonst hat sie halt Pech und kann nichts machen und fühlt sich da sehr abhängig und sie ist über 50, aber spricht halt wie ein Kind, dass seine Freundin sagt, Mama hat verboten, ich kann nicht rausgehen oder so, weißt du? Also jetzt dieser Text, den du da mir gerade übersetzt hast, wenn man da mit dieser Person halt was sagen würde, wie würde das lauten? Es soll überhaupt nicht thematisch um die Situation selbst gehen oder um irgendwelche Tipps mit Krankenkassen oder Therapie. Das ist völlig irrelevant. Das ist ja das Problem. Die Person räumt diesen Umständen eine Relevanz ein, die sie nicht haben müssen, weil sie selbst doch die Lösung ist. Also, darum soll es halt also nicht gehen, sondern beachte jetzt bitte nicht meine eigenen Worte, sondern nur den Text, der jetzt hier kommt. Den hast du mir ja eben übersetzt. Und dieser Text beinhaltet die Antwort auf die Person. Die Person gehört zu meiner zielgruppe türkischer männer mitte zwanzig die mich verhereh, erinnerst du dich. der text soll genau an diese gerichtet sein und ihre sprache sprechen in 2. person Singular, deutsch. : hello everybody welcome back to my channel my name is dylan james i'm a mindset coach that loves to specifically focus on relationships and before we get into today's video i am doing my intro remember that life is not happening to you but happening through you when you become the change you seek to experience you can experience that change everywhere you go you are showing the world how to treat you based on what you believe and feel about yourself and you're creating your reality in a moment-to-moment basis contingent on the meaning and the value that you assigned to the things occurring around you now i swear you guys this title you can decide to be brand new i swear i'm not click baiting you okay i actually have a point and i want to talk about this this is not just a clickbaity video um and you know if this is not your first time here on my channel then you know that i i really like to focus on self-concept building the best beliefs about yourself because i really see getting what you want from life like turning a relationship around or getting a relationship or going to the next level in your career or school or anything like that your ability to sustain those results comes from what you believe and feel about yourself so especially like in a relationship your your romantic partners going to be reflecting back to you what you believe and feel about yourself so that's why it's really important to work on your self-concept right but okay anyways a lot of you understand that today's video i'm not going to be harping self-concept i know i always harp on self-concept i know i'm always talking about your you know you need to change your beliefs you need to get into a better feeling state i think we all got that point from my channel today in this video i want to talk about deciding to be brand new and really you know i really strive to take a gentle approach when it comes to making the changes within yourself because i do realize that shifting your beliefs you know a lot of these beliefs don't come from positive experiences so going through these changes you do need to be gentle with yourself it's not about perfection it's not about you know getting it right perfectly it's about the growth and seeing the changes that you're making and how they accumulate over time that adds up to your desired result but sometimes we need just a little bit of heat and you guys know that i do my you know i bring a little bit of heat here and there for you all and this video is going to really stress the importance of kind of not giving a [ __ ] and when you decide to go after what it is that you want and you decide you know really being able to successfully pull this off is your ability to make a decision and stay committed to that decision right so growth and change don't have to take a long time they're really in my opinion correlated to discipline and commitment so if i decide no this is no longer going to be my story i can identify what beliefs need to change in me and then i decide this is going to be what i'm going to get this is going to be how things unfold for me i can make that decision right now and through making that decision i can decide you know what i don't really give a [ __ ] about anything else i don't care what's happened in the past i don't really care what has happened that's led up to this moment this is now my story this is how i'm gonna show up and this is how my life is gonna unfold and i know that that can be something like i'm not saying this sometimes it can be easier said than done okay like i i totally get the pushback from some people that are like okay yeah but like in the moment when i'm triggered or like i'm going back and forth i'm fighting with my thoughts i get it you guys but the goal is that you want to try to embody this as best as you can we're trying to make strides in the right direction so if i just sit here and i say i'm [ __ ] i can't do this it's really hard then i'm going to stay there we want to see you know that's where the being gentle with yourself is important okay anyways you guys get what i'm saying let's get into the point of this all okay you can decide to be brand new and what i've realized in my journey especially with other people and changing my self-concept in a moment-to-moment basis when i'm bothered by something even if i'm rightfully bothered by it the more that i react to it the more that i want to manipulate and change it the harder it gets okay so what the reason why i said you know made the title of this video you can decide to be brand new in this moment and you can get what you want the intention is that you have to recognize is this new version of me this new version that has this desired result in my reality would they react to this thing that's going on in front of me or would they not give a [ __ ] and they would hold the knowing and give this no resistance and trust that they're going to be able to get what they want okay this is also really important for a lot of different reasons because if we continue to stay reacting to the things around us okay so like for instance let's say somebody is treating me wrong right and i'm frustrated with them because i know i deserve better well every time that i fight with them about how they should treat me better i continue to engage in this pattern and i keep allowing like i'm trying to get them to treat me properly right so i keep on engaging with this you're not treating me right i need you to treat me right why aren't you treating me right you're not treating me right and then i'm triggered and then i'm upset and i'm feeling like crap all day long right well if we can take a step back from that and we can just you know create love and happiness and stability and self-validation and self-worth within ourself then we're gonna feel better but in the moment if we can realize huh if i want to break this pattern you know i'm trying to express what's bothering me and that's not working and uh anytime i try to talk to this person that's not working so how about instead of giving this a huge emotional reaction i just decide to not give a [ __ ] anymore i'm not going to respond to this i'm not going to react to it this is not a part of my story this is not going to be something that i have to deal with in my life anymore and if you're going to show up this way and you're going to do this i'm going to be able to handle it in such a calm stable way where i either remove myself or i just don't really care it's just not getting a reaction from me and i want you guys to test this out okay because there is an actual application to this so what i was going to say earlier is in my experience i noticed that when something really bothers me or i'm triggered and i react to it it typically doesn't get better but any time that i've decided to step in and say you know what i don't really care and sometimes i had to soothe myself with some like self-concept affirmations so i go into that like i'm worthy i'm deserving i'm stable i'm secure you guys know the rhythm to get myself out of the triggered state but if i can catch myself before i react and i can just be like you know what this is not going to be a part of my story anymore i'm showing up brand new the version of me that has what i desire wouldn't even be going through this right now i'm not going to react i'm going to decide to be brand new it has always got me the result that i desired now the application of this i understand when you're in triggering circumstances or patterns can be well i don't even want to say it has to be a little bit tricky it's a decision right so sometimes we do get caught off guard and we react but the point is you have to see that what i'm talking about here on my channel is becoming a brand new you right so there's this desired result that you want in your life okay and this desired result is sustained by a certain version of view and sometimes when we're reacting to things in front of us that we no longer want to experience it's because we're still showing up as a old us we're like we're seeing this as a problem we're seeing it as something that we have to deal with and sometimes the fastest way to make this change is to just completely disidentify with that version of you completely disidentify with these circumstances be okay with them when they pop up not react to them be within yourself okay and entertaining what it is that you want to experience and as you decide to fearlessly show up brand new and you stop reacting to these things and giving them meaning and value and these huge emotional reactions from you and you can just say you know what no i don't really care about that today i'm not going to react to it nope i totally know my worth i totally know where this is going i'm going to decide how i'm going to show up i'm going to decide how the people in my reality are going to show up for me i'm not going to force or manipulate them into these things i'm going to be so common stable and i already know where this is going if you can really hold that state in that state of being you're gonna see that things are obviously gonna change and this makes sense from a logical from a logical point of view you guys if i keep reacting and doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and i keep getting the same result and it keeps getting worse and worse and worse and worse then the best thing to do would to be just to stop engaging with it to stop giving a [ __ ] take a whole break from it right because if i'm not engaging with it and i'm not recreating the same pattern then something has to change and that's where you can step in and say okay now that i'm no longer reacting to this and i don't really give a [ __ ] how is this brand new me gonna show up how am i what am i deciding how this is going to unfold and that actually gives you the ability to break the pattern and create what it is that you want you also need to hold that knowing okay so with whatever it is that you want to create when you decide to stop giving a [ __ ] about how things have been okay and you decide you know what i'm gonna be brand new hashtag brand new okay brand new me okay when you decide to be brand new also decide how things are gonna unfold for you okay your mindset is really really really important what you're entertaining up here is really really important so if you have negative stories in your mind and like people aren't going to respect me they're not going to love me i'm never going to be able to get what i want and you're trying to apply this then that's not good you need to be like okay i'm going to stop giving a [ __ ] about all these things i'm gonna decide to be brand new i'm listening to these new beliefs i'm feeling good with myself my feelings state is aligned i'm no longer reacting to this now how am i gonna decide things are gonna unfold and shamelessly do that okay again not up through like forcing or manipulating just through being embodying trusting showing up a brand new way if there's a brand new you there has to be a brand new result that you get so it all comes down to the genuine application and sometimes you just gotta fearlessly like kind of you know rationalize it to yourself in some way of like okay i'm just not gonna care i'm really not gonna care i don't have the time to care i don't have the time to be stressed out i don't have the time to be worried about this i just really don't have the time to give a [ __ ] so i'm not gonna give a [ __ ] and i'm gonna decide how this is gonna unfold okay it's a really i know it sounds very simple i know it sounds very clickbaity but if you can actually apply that and you stop reacting to the things that are going on around you and you can go within and create stability within yourself and show up brand new with the knowing it's going to create a result for you that you're desiring so test it out you know if you're in triggering circumstances right now and you keep reacting to it just you know kind of hear my voice in your mind where i say don't give a [ __ ] and just you know relax and see what happens when you don't react and then decide how it's going to unfold and trust that it will okay alrighty i know this is kind of like a silly video um i think like the videos on my channel recently have been like a little bit more serious and i want to come on here with something a little bit more light and playful you guys understand my self-concept content you know i've been talking a lot about your feeling state and manifesting and materializing and mindset and all these things should also be fun too it should have a light fun approach so if you're sleeping on with the beliefs at nighttime and you're doing things that are helping you feel good but you're still bothered by the things that are going on in your reality just decide to not give a [ __ ] anymore i know it sounds really funny but like don't engage with it because that's not your story anymore you have to decide how it's going to be for you and stop reacting to these things completely just identify with it okay alrighty i love you all so so so much thank you for being here thank you for all the thumbs up i know this was kind of a funnier video but genuinely try it just try it okay alrighty i love you all so much i'll see you later bye